TOI calls her Nirbhaya—the Fearless One. 12 days on, she’s putting up one of the most inspiring fights I have seen in recent times. One thought, in the beginning, presumptuously, that the nation was behind her, with its prayers and encouragement. Now I feel humbled and think that perhaps the nation is drawing strength from this 23-year old girl, this epitome of indomitable spirit, who survived a bloodcurdling assault, is fighting intestinal gangrene, sepsis, breathing difficulties and psychological trauma, and who is alert enough to give statement not once, but twice. Shame on the powers-that-be that put her through this ordeal twice; for putting her in the cross fire of accusations and counter accusations that only brings the corruptness and ineptness of the establishment and administration into sharp focus. The swell of protesters in Delhi asking for justice and safety for women is heartening on a couple of accounts. As a friend put it, the tree is being shaken up. Today’s yo...